Sunday, 28 July 2013

ADHD - The evolution of conclusion thinking

Along with mentioning that Amazon women (greek women, dahomey women, german amazons, indian amazons etc did the work of two or three people historically going back millions of years probably. They will have developed a different scale of time. Squashing in two or more roles in a day (just imagine, looking after children, cooking, doing work inside and outside the house as well as hunting large animals. This would have evolved a different time system in their brains. But what is that time system? That time system is squashing a lot of work in one day, this would have required them to conclude quickly thus reducing time in the process to the conclusion. Many people from the social path tend to do a lot of thinking or talking before they get to the point whilst amazons will get straight to the point without the need for so much thinking or talking... apparently scientist call it impulsivity but it is impulsivity for a historical reason regarding duplication of roles and the squashing of time. They will have a holistic thinking that easily submerges conscious and subconscious minds closely together like almost one section; a form of superior intelligence.

It is sad that no scientist have undertaken research on the historical impact on the duplication of roles and its genetical consequences and impact.


Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Wobbly Walking - (not walking straight) ADHD (not a disorder but social construct)

Ok as I have said in previous posts that the genes comes from women who did the work of two people.
So these women did womens role and were hunters and did mens role. They would travelled far on foot. Remember there were no cars, no nice pavements or roads in those days so what do you expect if you are travelling a lot on foot. The walking paths will be wobbly and awkward. Stepping over stones, rocks, grass will set you off the straight and narrow path. This is the reason why people with ADHD may walk fast (to reduce time) and slightly wobbly.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

ADHD - Historical Causes of Attention Deficit -Working Evolution Philosophy

Working lineage against the Social Lineage

Actually, it really should be called Selective Attention - being choosy and fussy about what information you want to listen to according to your ancestors  priorities and not attention deficit.

Because women historically in pockets of communities around the world took dominance in roles or did the work of two people - she is indeed going to be fussy on the information that is going through into her. She is going to be selective and not attention deficit.

If you are in a fertile forest with a lot potential dangerous activities around, who would survive, the person with attention deficit or selective attention to danger or the person with too much attention ability?. The amazon women would probably have a lot of attention for signals of danger and not so-called social simple danger-less conversation. So their brain would recognize danger signals (instincts) more. It would probably be the person who is sensitive to their environment. If you concentrate too much on one thing in the forest, you may not see what is coming at you from another angle successfully. I do feel that things are for a reason. The so called Attention Deficit or should i say again, Selective deficit is probably there for safety reasons in a rich fertile environment whereby you could get attacked any time by any animal or human being lurking around the corner. It is about being sensitive to your rich environment. If you look at a child developing and going through instincts, the school, the parents, the doctors, the consultants, the scientists, would not probably understand their behavior but it gives some indication of how life was like many thousands of years ago and that individuals played duplicate roles and were sensitive to their environment noticing everything around them and always on the move. Amazon genes would have been passed onto both male and female down the lineage.

Also doing the work of two people, will you have the time for high concentration on one thing?. You needed to think fast, no wasting time, not much time for socializing as it was not profitable and the women liked to do things themselves without asking other people too much. They were self contained individuals;learning to do things themselves to empower themselves and equip themselves with a lot of knowledge. Life was about saving time, working hard and have a lot of technical thinking abilities to carry out your personal daily tasks.  They were involved in hunting animals for food, Warrior lifestyle, walking fast and ahead, saving time by doing things quickly.

The quality of one day to someone from a social lineage is probably a few  hours to someone from the working lineage (ADHD). Not all of the blueprint amazon genes will be passed down. Future off spring may inherit bits of the Amazon genes and you will get the odd full blue print Amazon genes popping up in the population. That is why some people have ADD and others have ADHD(not a disorder) and others may have dyslexia, or autism etc.

As mentioned before where you get too much positive, you get negative and that negative is someone with learning difficulties or slow in development; the way the genes cross over. So learning difficulties is the negative attribute to the positive genes of ADHD.

Because descents of amazons may be sensitive to their environment -one way to desensitize is to darken the room or walk in a semi dark road where it would help a child or adult who is undergoing strong instincts of his ancestors to focus and concentrate (the strong instincts in most cases, i believe would die down eventually). The child would be forced to concentrate on what is being asked or shown as the stimulus around him or her has dampened. They are also not conscious of the fact that they have the thinking speed of two people and are not aware that they are against people from the social lineage who in most cases probably did the work of one person and probably think half or a quarter of their speed.


Thursday, 13 June 2013

ADHD and the perception of TIME

As mentioned before, that if you come from a working lineage doing the work of two or three people, what do you think will happen. You will see time differently. You can do a multitude of things faster than someone from a social lineage history.  12 months is 12 months to someone from a social lineage but someone with ADHD (working lineage) may be something like 5 to 6 months of work is like 12 months work to someone from a social lineage. You have conclusion thinking which helps to cut time and wasted thoughts. You may not be understood by someone from a social lineage who does one project at a time whilst you do a multitude of projects.

Evolution of accruement of Attention - ADHD (not a disorder)

If you are doing the work of two or even three people over generations and generations..(i.e. women doing mens role, hunting large animals and doing women's role as well) what do you think could happen....your attention will be short because you may find conversation from the social lineage rather boring and not deep enough matching your historical abilities of hunting, looking after children, agriculture, warrior lifestyle etc and just being generally busy to that of two people or more. It is like petty conversation against complex excessively deep thinking. Women for many generations, may have had many children like up to 12 or 15 and that would have affected her concentration spam levels as well as hunting, fishing etc etc. Sometimes in Africa, the number of children born is like competition against other wives. The work was too much. Marriage might have been polygamy in which the women did most of the work as the husband had may be 5 other wives. This will have impact on a women's thinking pattern over many generations; conclusion thinking, which is getting to the point straight away which is a unique thinking pattern which saves time in thought processes as it tags on heavy key thoughts.

What was the economical reason for so many wives, may be it was to have many children to help out on the farm that the husband owned; afterall, they did not have machinery in those days. They did not have the time to sit and listen to perhaps floppy social conversations which had no significance on their lifestyle benefit at the time.They were successful hunters and had plenty of food in abundance at the time.

However, as the ADHD individual gets older, their attention spam improves.

ADHD - Thinking before you speak - forwardism - historical social construct

Thinking before you speak is a historical social construct. It is something ancestors developed as a result of heavy and frequent social communication. Thinking before you speak.

But if you come from a working lineage (ADHD) you might not have had too much time for socializing and therefore not creating the space to think before you speak "protein chemicals" as you were doing the work of two people;  may be you just had to be forward and did not socialize enough to create the space to consider people's feelings.

ADHD and Learning Difficulties (slow in development)- the Relationship in the Genes - top heavy equates with bottom light!

Well from my observation, and even without seeing the family, I can often workout that someone with ADHD undiagnosed (not a disorder) will have a sibling with Learning Difficulties (slow in development) (male or female).

Why is this? this is because where you get too much Positive in the genes (1st child)...the way the genes cross over, you will also get too little in another genes (5th child).
(In another ethnic group, it could be 4th child top heavy (ADHD) and the 5th child bottom light (Learning difficulties).

Its like a plank of wood on top of a stone - Top heavy on the left and the bottom light on the right.
I have noticed in one west african country among one ethnic group that you will get one person with strong personality, bossy, excessive talking, excessive energy etc (1st Child) and then the (5th Child) will have 25% chance of having learning difficulties; from mild to moderate to severe. Where you get too much positive, you get negative and that negative is someone with learning difficulties. It is like the ADHD child has taken all the genes that should be for the 5th child; creating a kind of super human being with all of these special abilities but not necessarily very social.

Next time you come across someone with Learning Difficulties, try and work out if someone in the family has excessive abilities and vice versa.

ADHD and excessive talking

You must realize that an ADHD will come across as having excessive talking ( talking of two people). As mentioned before, these genes come originally from women who did the work of two people over many generations in europe and africa etc.  So they will have fast thinking speed and the brain quality of two or three people. They will be double curious, double anxious, double inquisitive - almost like two or three people's minds rolled into one.

They are not conscious of the fact that they think FAST and really should feel sorry for people who come from a social lineage as opposed to a working lineage who think probably think half of the speed.They would need to slow down their thoughts to equate with people from a social lineage cultural history.

They are a bit confused of their slowed down, communication slow paced environment - "hey am I missing something...something seems wrong here"

The individual has come from a genetically journey where people were excessively busy. They will not be conscious that they are now entering a slow paced environment (how the world is now). - instincts, innate, genetically history, etc...all comes into play.

It reminds me of the film filth element where the actor milla jovovich comes from a different time zone and history now entering into a different time zone from another historical journey. It is the same thing with people with ADHD. But please note that it is really not a disorder but based on historical cultural lifestyle humans had evolved through.

ADHD should really be called Working Lineage against a Social Lineage. People from a working lineage may not have had time to evolve to the patterns of conversations that exists today. Conversation today involves a sense of timing, calculation, not cutting short conversation, social descriptive conversation etc.. You may find that someone from a working lineage may "speak when it is necessary to speak" and kill conversation quicker than the average person. Their thinking will be very deep and they may find the average conversation from people from a social lineage on average rather boring and not of stimulus quality and may come across to people from a social lineage as being not of social standing.

Overall, they do excessive talking because they are confused of their new slow paced environment and they can sense something is wrong; it is also like a form of anxiety. As they get older and work out some differences, they can change accordingly to their new environment.

From my observation, you will find in families who have someone with excessive talking, excessive energy, etc to also have a sibling with Learning Difficulties. Why is this - check the next post!

Sunday, 28 April 2013

ADHD - Excessive Energy of two or three people.

As mentioned before in other posts, ADHD individuals sometimes have what is considered a form of excessive energy.

Now when you go to the gym and exercise, what happens eventually, you will start to have more energy as time goes by.. So when an Amazonic women are doing the work of two people (i.e. men's roles, women' role, hunting animals, agricultural, warrior tactics, bearing children, raising, etc etc over many generations) what do you think will happen over the generations?. It is transparent that children or future offspring down the generations will inherit the genes for energy of two people causing them to have excessive energy levels - thats right the "energy of two people"..they can dance or walk from morning to night and not get tired. It fascinates me how scientists cannot work it out.

The blueprint amazonian women (Ancient Greek, West African and around the world) would have worked twice or even triple hard on a daily basis eventually those genes (effort) will be rewarded and placed in the genes ready to be passed onto offspring. Excessive energy is not a disorder but a reflection of the cultural lifestyle behavior that existed - this is often associated with hyperactivity disorder but it is not a disorder based on the historical lifestyle.

Someone with excessive energy as a result of coming from an Amazonian lineage, may need to watch their diet as having simple carbohydrates may make them more hyper. It is best to go on a protein diet that way, energy is released quietly and not violently like simple sweets and carbohydrates.

What is Conclusion Thinking by Floism

Unfortunately not much research has been done on conclusion thinking. Let me tell you what conclusion thinking is. It is a sophisticated thinking which is derivative from women doing the work of two people. Women doing the work of two people over the generations of thousand years or more... for example will have to have developed a sophisticated way of reducing time in order to achieve two peoples work in one day (work of two people, hunting, bearing children etc) in comparison to a women doing only the work of one person, bearing children, looking after children, cooking, cleaning, shopping, agricultural etc etc....

Conclusion thinking can be passed down onto boys and girls into different cultures but its blueprint is from amazonian women. Conclusion thinking is the conscious mind and the subconscious mind heavily fused together, past and future, all memory, visual and conversation, logic, abstract; you name it coupled with heavy imagination - it gets rid of "watery thinking" and keys down on the heavy underlying reasoning which we can call conclusion thinking. It is known of a West African ethnic group who think of ideas simultaneously- this is a result of heavy underlying holistic reasoning (conclusion imagination). Many people have conclusion thinking and don't know that it differs from people who come from a social path lineage who may take long or longer to reach a conclusion.

Conclusion thinking is once again a sophisticated way of thinking but if one does not possess the right information before making their conclusion, it could be a disastrous outcome. Conclusion thinking is often linked to people with ADHD; again ADHD is not a disorder but a cultural misunderstanding. So its good to conclude but at the same time to hold out for some time and reserve judgement and get more information and think before speaking.

Conclusion thinking is linked to reducing time over the centuries. It is about achieving a lot of personal objectives within a short period of time as a result of doing the work of two people. People with ADHD may come across as not being realistic with their timing in comparison to people from a social path lineage. But conclusion thinking reduces time. Conclusion thinking is normally linked to people who think fast from an amazonian lineage.

Someone with conclusion thinking has a very rich thinking and can think about may be 50 to 100 things at the same time whilst someone from a social path lineage can think may be one or two to 10 things at the same time. They may come across as day dreaming but because their thinking is very rich, there is a lot to see and imagine from this pool of concentrated reasoning.

They may appear to have attention deficit but in essence they can switch to and through to different thinking or conversations and then revert back to the original conversation as if the trail had not been lost. So it may appear to scientists that it is a deficit disorder but it is not in many cases.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Amazonian lineage - The work of two people - - ADHD not a disorder but clearly a cultural and social historical lifestyle misunderstanding.

What fascinates me is that scientists make serious label of ADHD (Attention deficient Hyperactivity disorder) and of which they truly don't have much historically understanding of the subject; trust me.

We are mammals and there is no such thing as normal. Normal is defined in the context of social acceptance. It should really be defined in the context of historical social and cultural lineage.  So we need to establish what the cultural lineage was of individuals before we can call so called conditions (in question) a disorder or normal.

As of the 17th April 2013, on the internet no scientists, anthropologists, philosophers etc etc has looked into the work of two people of amazonian women. I have known or worked these out in my head many many years ago. Let me tell you the underlying reason for the so called ADHD (not a disorder). It stems from women doing the work of two people in certain parts of Africa, Ancient Greece etc etc (in certain parts of this world historically). Having children, hunting animals for food, agricultural farming, getting involved in warrior tactics or the soldier forces for thousand and thousands of generations; this will have impact on the genes to be passed down.

Now all it takes is just a little imagination of Amazonian women doing the work of two people. What do you think will happen as a result of this. The work of two people over many thousands of years will result in women producing genotype and phenotype of a specific quality. First of all she will have the thinking of two people in her brain in comparison to women who historically did the work of one person. The Amazonian women will have two people's energy levels; sorry they call it hyperactivity as if it is a problem when it is not a problem. The Amazonian will see time differently. Why because she was doing the work of two people and this means that 24 hours is really 12 hours in their brain time zone - so in 24 hours they will achieve twice the amount of work in comparison to a women from a " doing the work of one person" cultural lineage will achieve. To further demonstrate 12 months is like 6 months in their time zone because they think excessively fast, have conclusion thinking, can think excessively deep, have excessively deep imagination thinking as a result of doing the work of two people for many generations.

These Blueprint Amazonian women will get married and pass these genes and phenotype (Amazonian structure, strong powerful physic in west Africa)  down to other communities. It then follows that some children will receive a carbon copy of some or all of these genes. Some children may not have the phenotype but the geneotype. Other will receive the phenotype and the genotype . As mentioned before, the amazonic women will have conclusion thinking. A special type of thinking which reduces time and gets explicitly to the point; sometimes they will be right and sometimes they will be wrong; it depends on how much information about an issue have been collected and stored. These amazonic women can think excessively deep into the unknown thinking and may often not be understood by people who come from a social path cultural lineage. They will be classified as day dreaming... its not really day dreaming but deep critical thinking on a rich concentrated brain; they have deep rich critical thinking skills. Their thinking or thoughts are not in a straight line (life is not a straight line) but in a holistic excessively multi-dimentional manner. Even some amazonic womens eye sights would also be sophisticated often noticing things that other people may not easily notice which gives them the added edge or better perception of the world; it could be deemed as having a developed third eye. To further add, they also have a developed virtual third eye seeing things in imagination. In social situations, sometimes they can work out what is going to happen next as a result of their conclusion thinking. 

So doing the work of two people.. what further does this mean? it means that they may not have had time for social stimulation after all  they were doing the work of two people which means they spoke when it was "necessary to speak" and on an innate level today may not have understood the patterns of conversation from people coming from a social path lineage. But what do we mean by patterns of conversation? Well issues such as speaking deep in a subject or topic may not be instant familiar to someone who historically did the work of two people on an innate level - after all  they were too busy working. They get straight to the point without too much social description. A lot of amazonian women have superior lateral and vertical thinking in west Africa  Those men and women from an amazonian lineage may not realize that their thinking of new and original ideas simultaneously (often social paths are struggling for new and original ideas) is derivative from an amazonian lineage.

Children or adults who behave like they are always on the go.. what do you expect historical lifestyle is in the genes; you are a product of your ancestors lifestyle and behavior . Their ancestors were very busy always on the move, always on the go working, doing the work of two people feeling confident for achieving personal tasks and victory out there. In those days, the road quality did not exist or if it did, was poor quality, they would climb hilly areas, areas that were huge piles of acacia branches with needle sharp thorns or different types of branches alike. Large Hills, small hills, bushes, rocky surfaces were all in abundance that is why children who are so called ADHD like to climb... it beats me how scientists cannot work it out but are quick to label people with little understanding of the historical lineage attached to these individual.

Squirm or fidgeting is an instinct telling the individual that they have got work to do - afterall, that is what their ancestors were doing...they were very busy working constantly. It is like a bolt of energy coming through to the body enforcing that historical lifestyle of their amazonic lifestyle. "You have got a lot of work to it now - afterall, that was what your ancesters were doing".

Talking too Much.. The individual might sense that they come from a different historical context to what they are observing to a heavy present - social path context. They can sense something is not right but at the same time, they feel normal and rightly so..

Talking too much is really like an anxiety  that something is not  innately right - also, the brain is like the standard of two people heavily concentrated, heavily conclusive, high observation, fast thinking etc, trying to interpretate this new slow world of social dimension; trying to work it out. - trying to find sense in this slow moving world in comparison to their fast moving historical lineage stemming from their genes. "hello there, am i missing something - the world is slow moving and there is a chemistry going on between people that i don't yet recognize and trying to work out."

Trying to understand conversation patterns coming from the social path world. The social path world who had time to sit down and develop different forms of conversations over many generations such as giving a description of someone standing at the bus stop or describing someones conversation in detail. Social paths had the time to do all of this but from an amazon lineage, describing someones social conversation may not be part of their interest or a result of their historical lineage; may be they had no time.

Not conscious of interrupting people - they were too busy working and may not understand the type of dynamics that exist in the social world.

Because the Amazonic lifestyle did not have much time to develop different types of conversation on a frequent basis, they may not have developed the style of thinking before you speak -( amino acid sequence) thinking whether to speak or withhold information totally. Forwardness might be the word. They did not chew their thoughts before speaking and sometimes holding onto thoughts and delaying speaking. It is understandable because they were too busy working to chew thoughts. These skills may be en grained at a later stage in life as a result of social interaction, education, reading etc.  In social paths, much conversation took place and many people think before speaking. 

In terms of having difficulty in taking turns, well  there is a lot of drive coming from an amazonic lineage. time is of essence, need to be quick, cant wait, there is a kind of bursting speed ball inside waiting to go on the move. Their body is telling them that they need to be on the move and quickly. Slowness is not appropriate coming from their amazonic lineage.

The draw back of an amazon lineage is that where you get too much positive in genotype, (genes heavily saturated/concentrated in one sibling as a result of an amazonian lineage,as a result of doing the work of two people, you unfortunately get negative and that negative is 25% chance of having a sibling with learning difficulties. 

So you could work out in many instances whether your genes are from an amazonian lineage (women who did the work of two people -  (hunting large animals, agricultural, bearing children etc, men and women roles) by having a member of the family with some degree of learning difficulties; there must be a heavy positive in the family and that positive must come from the amazonian lineage for there to be a negative. Another example observed in west Africa is the first or 4th child has an excessive strong confident personality and the 5th child has some degree of learning difficulties from mild to severe.

So in essence,

-thinking fast is a result of doing the work of two people from an amazonian lineage.

-hyperactivity is the energy generated from two people's work from an amazonian lineage.
-Often knocking things on the floor by mistake once in a while or so is a result of the heavy workload 
encountered by the amazonian lineage - remember that the women were like men and women 
rolled into one and that workload was macro based- heavy handed, strong and quick and not necessarily micro originated in those days. Strong body, strong heavy handedness
was what was need to be successful in terms of hunting large animals for meat, house building, 
warrior lifestyle, agicultural etc
-Conversation patterns such as social descriptive or extending conversation may not necessarily be
recognized innately by someone from an amazonian lineage; after all, they were busy doing the work of 
two people. So in essence their conversation may be initially speaking when it is necessary to speak but later in life as a result of reading, attending high institution etc, it may improve.
-In west africa there is an ethnic group who have a reputation for being " conversation shy". It is not that 
they are conversation shy, it is that their brains does not recognize or have a genetic history of 
expansive general conversation; they speak when it is necessary to speak. This is because much of the
genotype from this ethnic group comes from an amazonian lineage.
-As a result of doing the work of two people (amazonian lineage) their sense of time will be different 
to those from a social lineage or who did the work of one person historically). They will have 
conclusion thinking which cuts out the time of thinking and they will have the skills to do a lot of things
more than someone from a one persons work lineage or social path lineage. Most social paths can do 
one thing at a time whilst someone from an amazonian lineage can do many things at the same time. 
This stems from again doing the work of two people lineage and having great conclusion thinking which 
cuts out the time.
-There is an ethnic group in west Africa who has a reputation for doing things "now now" 
which is not understood by many social paths in west africa who take 6 months or 1 year to achieve: double the time of someone from an amazonian lineage.

-Someone from an amazonian lineage today can be male or female and may have a 25% chance of a 
sibling with some degree of learning difficulties. Because where you get High Positive, you will get a 
High Negative. (big imbalance of genes crossing over - mendals crossing).

More to come.