You must realize that an ADHD will come across as having excessive talking ( talking of two people). As mentioned before, these genes come originally from women who did the work of two people over many generations in europe and africa etc. So they will have fast thinking speed and the brain quality of two or three people. They will be double curious, double anxious, double inquisitive - almost like two or three people's minds rolled into one.
They are not conscious of the fact that they think FAST and really should feel sorry for people who come from a social lineage as opposed to a working lineage who think probably think half of the speed.They would need to slow down their thoughts to equate with people from a social lineage cultural history.
They are a bit confused of their slowed down, communication slow paced environment - "hey am I missing something...something seems wrong here"
The individual has come from a genetically journey where people were excessively busy. They will not be conscious that they are now entering a slow paced environment (how the world is now). - instincts, innate, genetically history, etc...all comes into play.
It reminds me of the film filth element where the actor milla jovovich comes from a different time zone and history now entering into a different time zone from another historical journey. It is the same thing with people with ADHD. But please note that it is really not a disorder but based on historical cultural lifestyle humans had evolved through.
ADHD should really be called Working Lineage against a Social Lineage. People from a working lineage may not have had time to evolve to the patterns of conversations that exists today. Conversation today involves a sense of timing, calculation, not cutting short conversation, social descriptive conversation etc.. You may find that someone from a working lineage may "speak when it is necessary to speak" and kill conversation quicker than the average person. Their thinking will be very deep and they may find the average conversation from people from a social lineage on average rather boring and not of stimulus quality and may come across to people from a social lineage as being not of social standing.
Overall, they do excessive talking because they are confused of their new slow paced environment and they can sense something is wrong; it is also like a form of anxiety. As they get older and work out some differences, they can change accordingly to their new environment.
From my observation, you will find in families who have someone with excessive talking, excessive energy, etc to also have a sibling with Learning Difficulties. Why is this - check the next post!
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