Thursday, 27 June 2013

ADHD - Historical Causes of Attention Deficit -Working Evolution Philosophy

Working lineage against the Social Lineage

Actually, it really should be called Selective Attention - being choosy and fussy about what information you want to listen to according to your ancestors  priorities and not attention deficit.

Because women historically in pockets of communities around the world took dominance in roles or did the work of two people - she is indeed going to be fussy on the information that is going through into her. She is going to be selective and not attention deficit.

If you are in a fertile forest with a lot potential dangerous activities around, who would survive, the person with attention deficit or selective attention to danger or the person with too much attention ability?. The amazon women would probably have a lot of attention for signals of danger and not so-called social simple danger-less conversation. So their brain would recognize danger signals (instincts) more. It would probably be the person who is sensitive to their environment. If you concentrate too much on one thing in the forest, you may not see what is coming at you from another angle successfully. I do feel that things are for a reason. The so called Attention Deficit or should i say again, Selective deficit is probably there for safety reasons in a rich fertile environment whereby you could get attacked any time by any animal or human being lurking around the corner. It is about being sensitive to your rich environment. If you look at a child developing and going through instincts, the school, the parents, the doctors, the consultants, the scientists, would not probably understand their behavior but it gives some indication of how life was like many thousands of years ago and that individuals played duplicate roles and were sensitive to their environment noticing everything around them and always on the move. Amazon genes would have been passed onto both male and female down the lineage.

Also doing the work of two people, will you have the time for high concentration on one thing?. You needed to think fast, no wasting time, not much time for socializing as it was not profitable and the women liked to do things themselves without asking other people too much. They were self contained individuals;learning to do things themselves to empower themselves and equip themselves with a lot of knowledge. Life was about saving time, working hard and have a lot of technical thinking abilities to carry out your personal daily tasks.  They were involved in hunting animals for food, Warrior lifestyle, walking fast and ahead, saving time by doing things quickly.

The quality of one day to someone from a social lineage is probably a few  hours to someone from the working lineage (ADHD). Not all of the blueprint amazon genes will be passed down. Future off spring may inherit bits of the Amazon genes and you will get the odd full blue print Amazon genes popping up in the population. That is why some people have ADD and others have ADHD(not a disorder) and others may have dyslexia, or autism etc.

As mentioned before where you get too much positive, you get negative and that negative is someone with learning difficulties or slow in development; the way the genes cross over. So learning difficulties is the negative attribute to the positive genes of ADHD.

Because descents of amazons may be sensitive to their environment -one way to desensitize is to darken the room or walk in a semi dark road where it would help a child or adult who is undergoing strong instincts of his ancestors to focus and concentrate (the strong instincts in most cases, i believe would die down eventually). The child would be forced to concentrate on what is being asked or shown as the stimulus around him or her has dampened. They are also not conscious of the fact that they have the thinking speed of two people and are not aware that they are against people from the social lineage who in most cases probably did the work of one person and probably think half or a quarter of their speed.


Thursday, 13 June 2013

ADHD and the perception of TIME

As mentioned before, that if you come from a working lineage doing the work of two or three people, what do you think will happen. You will see time differently. You can do a multitude of things faster than someone from a social lineage history.  12 months is 12 months to someone from a social lineage but someone with ADHD (working lineage) may be something like 5 to 6 months of work is like 12 months work to someone from a social lineage. You have conclusion thinking which helps to cut time and wasted thoughts. You may not be understood by someone from a social lineage who does one project at a time whilst you do a multitude of projects.

Evolution of accruement of Attention - ADHD (not a disorder)

If you are doing the work of two or even three people over generations and generations..(i.e. women doing mens role, hunting large animals and doing women's role as well) what do you think could happen....your attention will be short because you may find conversation from the social lineage rather boring and not deep enough matching your historical abilities of hunting, looking after children, agriculture, warrior lifestyle etc and just being generally busy to that of two people or more. It is like petty conversation against complex excessively deep thinking. Women for many generations, may have had many children like up to 12 or 15 and that would have affected her concentration spam levels as well as hunting, fishing etc etc. Sometimes in Africa, the number of children born is like competition against other wives. The work was too much. Marriage might have been polygamy in which the women did most of the work as the husband had may be 5 other wives. This will have impact on a women's thinking pattern over many generations; conclusion thinking, which is getting to the point straight away which is a unique thinking pattern which saves time in thought processes as it tags on heavy key thoughts.

What was the economical reason for so many wives, may be it was to have many children to help out on the farm that the husband owned; afterall, they did not have machinery in those days. They did not have the time to sit and listen to perhaps floppy social conversations which had no significance on their lifestyle benefit at the time.They were successful hunters and had plenty of food in abundance at the time.

However, as the ADHD individual gets older, their attention spam improves.

ADHD - Thinking before you speak - forwardism - historical social construct

Thinking before you speak is a historical social construct. It is something ancestors developed as a result of heavy and frequent social communication. Thinking before you speak.

But if you come from a working lineage (ADHD) you might not have had too much time for socializing and therefore not creating the space to think before you speak "protein chemicals" as you were doing the work of two people;  may be you just had to be forward and did not socialize enough to create the space to consider people's feelings.

ADHD and Learning Difficulties (slow in development)- the Relationship in the Genes - top heavy equates with bottom light!

Well from my observation, and even without seeing the family, I can often workout that someone with ADHD undiagnosed (not a disorder) will have a sibling with Learning Difficulties (slow in development) (male or female).

Why is this? this is because where you get too much Positive in the genes (1st child)...the way the genes cross over, you will also get too little in another genes (5th child).
(In another ethnic group, it could be 4th child top heavy (ADHD) and the 5th child bottom light (Learning difficulties).

Its like a plank of wood on top of a stone - Top heavy on the left and the bottom light on the right.
I have noticed in one west african country among one ethnic group that you will get one person with strong personality, bossy, excessive talking, excessive energy etc (1st Child) and then the (5th Child) will have 25% chance of having learning difficulties; from mild to moderate to severe. Where you get too much positive, you get negative and that negative is someone with learning difficulties. It is like the ADHD child has taken all the genes that should be for the 5th child; creating a kind of super human being with all of these special abilities but not necessarily very social.

Next time you come across someone with Learning Difficulties, try and work out if someone in the family has excessive abilities and vice versa.

ADHD and excessive talking

You must realize that an ADHD will come across as having excessive talking ( talking of two people). As mentioned before, these genes come originally from women who did the work of two people over many generations in europe and africa etc.  So they will have fast thinking speed and the brain quality of two or three people. They will be double curious, double anxious, double inquisitive - almost like two or three people's minds rolled into one.

They are not conscious of the fact that they think FAST and really should feel sorry for people who come from a social lineage as opposed to a working lineage who think probably think half of the speed.They would need to slow down their thoughts to equate with people from a social lineage cultural history.

They are a bit confused of their slowed down, communication slow paced environment - "hey am I missing something...something seems wrong here"

The individual has come from a genetically journey where people were excessively busy. They will not be conscious that they are now entering a slow paced environment (how the world is now). - instincts, innate, genetically history, etc...all comes into play.

It reminds me of the film filth element where the actor milla jovovich comes from a different time zone and history now entering into a different time zone from another historical journey. It is the same thing with people with ADHD. But please note that it is really not a disorder but based on historical cultural lifestyle humans had evolved through.

ADHD should really be called Working Lineage against a Social Lineage. People from a working lineage may not have had time to evolve to the patterns of conversations that exists today. Conversation today involves a sense of timing, calculation, not cutting short conversation, social descriptive conversation etc.. You may find that someone from a working lineage may "speak when it is necessary to speak" and kill conversation quicker than the average person. Their thinking will be very deep and they may find the average conversation from people from a social lineage on average rather boring and not of stimulus quality and may come across to people from a social lineage as being not of social standing.

Overall, they do excessive talking because they are confused of their new slow paced environment and they can sense something is wrong; it is also like a form of anxiety. As they get older and work out some differences, they can change accordingly to their new environment.

From my observation, you will find in families who have someone with excessive talking, excessive energy, etc to also have a sibling with Learning Difficulties. Why is this - check the next post!